Policy and Procedures
Cancellations, Lateness, No Show:
Please understand that you are financially responsible for your session time and if your appointment is canceled on short notice, I am unable to fill your slot with another client. If your appointment is canceled with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged your full appointment fee.
If you are running late for your appointment, please text me right away to let me know you will be late. If you are late and I don’t hear from you, I will assume that you aren’t showing. If you do arrive late, we will still end at our regular time and you will still be responsible for the full fee. If you do not show at all for your appointment, you will be charged the full fee of your session.
Virtual Appointments: We are able to meet virtually as needed. Prior to your appointment, we will decide if you’d like to do this, I will be offering Zoom or FaceTime appointments. If we meet virtually, your fee will still be the same as well as the appointment length.
Episode of Care:
Episodes of Care are defined as the period during which you are an active client, meaning scheduling and keeping regular appointments. If you go without being seen for a three-month time period, you are no longer considered an "active client”. You can ask to schedule an appointment with me after this three-month window, but please understand that you will be considered a “new client” and will be accepted based on availability in my schedule. If I am unable to accommodate your request to return to my office, I will offer you suggestions or direct you to Psychology Today listings for other therapists that are able to accept new clients at this time.
Professional Fees:
Going forward, my standard fee for EMDR therapy and psychotherapy is $150 for individuals per 50 minute session while couples sessions are $175 per 50 minute session. It is expected that your fee will be processed prior to your appointment.
If you need to postpone your payment for some reason, please bring it up during your session for discussion. I am happy to come to an agreement regarding your payment and needs. If no discussion has taken place and you do not pay for your session promptly, a fee of $15 per week will be added to your session fee.
It is possible that an annual fee increase will occur every January and I will remind you of this in October and November.
If my fee is a concern, please discuss it with me. My fee is based on the average rates of other therapists in the area along with my specialty fields. The median rate for sessions in our areas is $145. Specialties such as faith-based counseling, religious trauma, and EMDR therapy have a median range of $185. If fees are an issue for you, I will provide you with referrals to other therapists who may be able to accommodate your needs better.
Assessments have a different rate and if you are having an assessment done, we will discuss the fee in person.
Tuesday: 9:30am-1:30pm
Wednesday: 12:00pm - 7:00pm
Please note that I do not accept phone calls, or texts on days I am out of the office. If you are reaching out on a day I am not in the office or weekend, you may not hear back until the following business day. Emails are a welcome mode of communication as I am able to return them based on my availability.
Court Policy and Confidentiality:
If you become involved in a legal proceeding that requires my participation, you will be expected to pay for my professional time and services, including travel expenses such as mileage, even if I have been called to testify by another party. Because of the difficulty of legal involvement and the interruption to my regular practice, I charge $450 per hour for preparation and attendance at any legal proceeding. Your relationship with me as my client, all information disclosed in our sessions, and the written records of those sessions are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission, except where law requires disclosure. Disclosure is required by law when there is reasonable suspicion of child, dependent or elder abuse or neglect and when a client presents a danger to self, to others, to property, or is gravely disabled.
As your therapist, I may only provide observations and feedback. At no time will I make a recommendation as it pertains to custody or any other court related matter. Disclosure may be required in a legal proceeding. I will request your consent before turning over any confidential information and we will discuss exactly what has been requested by the court. At this point, there is no guarantee that your information will be kept confidential. If you place your mental status at issue in litigation that you initiate, the defendant may have the right to obtain your therapy records and/or my testimony. All letters or reports of records will be taken directly from session notes and based upon information shared in session only.
If you have not paid your bill for treatment for a long period of time, your name, payment record and last known address may be sent to a collection agency or small claims court. In couples or relationship therapy, or when different family members are seen individually, confidentiality and privilege do not apply between the couple or among family members. I will use my clinical judgment when revealing such information. Should I be required to write a letter for the court, the time will be billed at your regular hourly rate to gather the information from session notes. Should I be court-ordered to appear in court, I will charge $1,000 per day and a regular hourly rate for preparation. I will not be on call for any court-related matters at any time. Should a case be trialed, I will be paid in full for each day. All fees must be received by credit card 14 days prior to the court date. If there is an emergency during our work together or after termination in which I become concerned about your personal safety, the possibility of you injuring someone else, or about you receiving psychiatric care, I will do whatever I can within the limits of the law to prevent you from injuring yourself or another, and to ensure that you receive appropriate medical care. For this purpose I may contact the person whose name you have provided as a contact. Please be aware that submitting a mental health invoice to your health insurance carrier for reimbursement carries some risk to confidentiality, privacy, or future eligibility to obtain health or life insurance. I consult regularly with other professionals regarding my clients in order to provide you with the best possible service. Names or other identifying information are never mentioned; client identity remains completely anonymous and your confidentiality will be fully maintained. If, for some reason, I believe it is important to consult with another professional in-depth, and I believe identifying information about you may be shared, I will have you sign a release of information allowing me to share this information. Without such a release, I will not consult with another professional providing information that might lead another person to be able to identify you.